Aggregation Services

Aggregation Services

Aggregation services are 3rd party or partner services to enable the transport business activities. The major categories that support your business are…

  1. Tools
  2. Hardware
  3. 3rd party services
  4. Partner Services



The tools would be tested and procured by us for you specifically or for pay per use basis. These tools enable reading measurements and feed into the Fleet Management application to sharpen your Business KPI monitoring. For example, the tyre tag RFID readers identify the tyre uniquely (with tags fitted in) and associate all other readings and observations on that tyre to the tyre number. This helps in measuring tyre life and CPKM vis-à-vis tyre model and manufacturer.



The hardware associate themselves with the Vehicle parts and make measuring and monitoring the vehicle part easier. For example, the tyre tags and fuel sensors. These parts which, if not integral parts of the vehicle, will be added to the vehicle for ease of monitoring and measuring the cost per KM.

3rd Party Services:

3rd Party Services

These services would be allowed to integrate with the Fleet Management application and add their readings for better monitoring of the Vehicle performance. For example, Driver Verification and Digital Documentation. The driver verification services would be sourced in the market from credible sources and associated with the vehicle or organization for measuring performance of the business / vehicle.

Partner Services:

Partner Services

These services like GPS tracking, Tyre Sales agencies / vendors, Fuel card providers etc., would help add additional value to the business performance of the Fleet Manager. These services also include, Insurance, Driver Training and Health checkups etc.,