Fleet Management Application
Fleet Management Application
Fleet Management application takes care of your key transportation business KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and monitors the performance while you are at your business delivery.
As a Fleet Manager, your prime objective is to have a birds eye view on the fleet so as to ensure that the fleet delivers optimum on the performance and efficiency. As observed by us, irrespective of the current systems in place to manage the fleet, there is always an area for improvement in the process and systems. It is an endeavour of eFleet system to identify the restricting factors in the performance of the fleet with respect to the working scenario. Though transportation of the material is the common goal of a logistics business, but the checks and controls vary with the type of industry the fleet is catering to. eFleet Systems with its experience and in-depth understanding of fleet operations has been able to identify the root cause of lapses in performances and provide a solution to get a complete visibility about functioning of the fleet.
eMIST is a Web Based Integrated Fleet Management, Revenue Tracking & Financial Accounting System targeted to bring greater efficiencies & productivity in operations of a Company. Fleet Management application takes care of your key transportation business KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and monitors the performance while you are at your business delivery.
The type of fleet we covered so far ...

Key KPIs that will be measured and reported are…

Statutory Dues
A module to keep track of the statutory compliances and digital documentation. Though not a lot of weightage has been given to this module but any lapses on part of compliances can lead to unwarranted delays and expenses. The process of controlling and monitoring the statutory dues has been designed in a simple way to ensure that no extra effort is to be taken to get the required documents in order. Tool to get the details of the required documents on a click. The lack of proper compliances had resulted in insurance claim rejections and vehicle detentions

Trip Module
Trip management is the heart of the fleet business. It constitutes upto 70% of the total operating cost. At the same time the efficiency and productivity of the fleet is primarily measured on the basis of the timely delivery of the material. A structured and measured approach is required to tackle the nuances in this activity. The Vehicle Movement time, Diesel & Trip Expenses are the 3 major components that need to be Monitored, Measured and Settled. The eFleet application has capability to control and monitor the ‘advances’ given to the movement and give the true picture about the actual vs budgeted, expected vs unexpected expenses.

Workshop or Maintenance Module
The fitness of the vehicle is the key to assured performance in any weather conditions and on any terrain. A vigilant system to remind timely upkeep of the vehicle on different parameters ensures an uninterrupted running of the vehicles. Preventive or Periodic Maintenance is one of the key activity that need to be completed for each vehicle for high availability of Vehicle. A strong integrated inventory management with complete visibility of the past records related to multiple sections of the vehicle is helpful to take the corrective and decisive actions in maintenance of the vehicle.

Tyre Module
One of the most critical component to keep the vehicle rolling continuously, to cover distances are tyres. It is also the significant part of the capex that is on road and is vulnerable to losses. A well monitored tyre not only reduces the breakdowns but also improves the fuel efficiency of the vehicles. A right tyre pattern at the correct position and defined air pressure is key to the optimum performance of the tyres. A system to track and monitor the tyres through sensors and tags gives the upper edge in getting the maximum output of it. Tagging the tyre prevents the tyre - thefts and also tracks the tyre inventory for optimum usage.
Apart from above key parameters, other aspects of the business include monitoring & managing the following…

Driver Management:
Your employed Driver can be verified and key documents can be managed online (digital mode) through this module. This gives you option to rate the drivers on their performance and manage their expectations on retention in your employment. The driver can be blacklisted and your business community can be informed on his behaviour, by giving genuine incident based feedback. This module would also help in curbing expired / fake driving licenses and fake identities driving your valuable trucks and your customer’s consignments. Insurance claims success rate also goes up with digital documents management.

Consignment Management:
The consignment module performs the tracking expenses, accounting and mandatory documentation required for settlements at consignment level. The consignment module also tracks the vehicle and time to destination..

Fuel Management:
The Fleet Management application is designed to take inputs from OBD of vehicle and from Fuel expenses entries through Fuel cards or fuel advances in the trip module. The module lists the route-wise fuel expenses that need to be accounted in your pricing towards your customer.